This seminar is based around conducting business digitally. With cyber crime in the news on an
almost daily basis it is important to understand how you can take steps to protect both yourself and
your business from these threats. Barclays digitalĀ eagle will highlight Barclays products and
updates. Our speaker from the department for international trade will talk through ways to
Internationalise your website and build business opportunity overseas.
Wednesday,15 November 20170 9:00am
The Latitude Club, One Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6GN
Event Timings
09:00 Arrival
09:25 Welcome
09:30 Gary Sirrell – (Regional cyber crime unit officer) – (Cyber crime)
09:50 Anish Chauhan (Equilibrium cyber security ) – (Cyber crime)
10:10 Anthony McGhie – (Barclays digital eagle) – (Barclays update)
10:30 Sarah Lumley-Holmes – (DIT) – (International E-commerce)
10:50 Q&A
11:00 Networking
11:30 Event closes
Register now by contacting
Inde Seera
Business manager