CREST Penetration Testing Services UK

Let us be concerned about what’s lurking beneath the depths, and identify those hidden threats before they reach the surface. 

Octopus perfoming cyber security on a laptop

Unlock deeper insights, defend against realistic attacks

Do you wish you had a crystal-clear map of your security landscape?

Our threat-led CREST Penetration Testing Services are designed to go beyond tick-box security assessments. We delve deep into the heart of your digital landscape, uncovering hidden weaknesses that others overlook.

Our insights are actionable, delivering a roadmap to enhance your security strategy.

With our CREST Cyber Security Penetration Testing Services offering:

  • Practical recommendations
  • Strategic guidance
  • Ongoing support

We empower you to fortify your security defences, where it matters most.

Certified by CREST and Offensive Security, our qualified testers employ real-world hacking techniques to uncover profound insights.

Ready to achieve your security goals? We’re at your service.

Whether you are a CISO, an IT Director or a business owner, Equilibrium has the expertise to help you shape and deliver your security strategy.

UK CREST Penetration Testing Services

Web Application Penetration Testing Services

We can identify vulnerabilities and insecure functionality in your website & web applications. API & authenticated testing available.


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Internal network Penetration Testing Services

Using advanced manual testing methods, we can assess security and uncover vulnerabilities in your internal infrastructure.


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External Penetration Testing Services

Let our team of expert penetration testers assess the security of your public information and external-network facing assets.


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Mobile App Penetration Testing

By discovering security flaws in your mobile applications, you can strengthen your future software development cycle.


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Wireless Penetration Testing

We can help you identify, patch and understand the potential impact of wireless infrastructure vulnerabilities.


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Social engineering Testing

Gain insight into the strength of your social engineering controls with combined phishing and physical access testing.


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Curious About The Craft Behind Penetration Testing?

It’s a blend of art and science. Explore our playbook for the methodologies our experts use in each test.

Why choose our IT Penetration Testing?

Our CREST penetration testing process

Step 1
Scoping phase

Before testing commences, our experts will take time to understand your penetration testing requirement in more detail, define the testing scope and gather the necessary technical information and access required to carry out the test.

Step 2

Using a variety of penetration testing tools our qualified testers will manually assess your systems to identify security weaknesses/vulnerabilities which require patching and remediation.

Step 3
Analysis and exploitation

In this phase we will interpret the results, and (if permitted and approved) exploit any vulnerabilities discovered. This will determine whether a hacker could use the vulnerability as leverage to gain wider access to your systems. However, many customers prefer to patch and remediate, rather than risking the potential service disruption that exploitation could cause.

Step 4
Detailed Penetration Test report

Our experts will analyse the results and present the finding in a comprehensive penetration testing report. This will detail and categorise the vulnerabilities discovered ranked as either ‘Critical, High, Medium, or Low’, as well as outline instructions of how to remediate, patch and strengthen your defences.

Step 5

After remediation, we can retest your systems to check that all patches have been applied and security holes have been mitigated.

Benefits of CREST Penetration Testing


Strengthen Security Posture

By pinpointing your weaknesses, we can fortify your fortress. Penetration testing provides the inside scoop on the strength of your security posture.


Contextualising cyber-risks

Would your security defences stand their ground against a ‘real life’ hacking attempt? Our team can put them to the test.


Discover hidden security holes

Our ethical hackers are like computer detectives, we’re experts at analysing your systems and uncovering hard-to-detect vulnerabilities.


Prioritising Security Spending

By identifying gaps in your security defences, you gain the insight needed to spend your security budget wisely.  

Customer Feedback

Hear more from our clients: Check out our 5 star Google Reviews here 

Brian Sexton
Brian Sexton
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We've been working with Equilibrium for the last 2 years now to keep on top of our security requirements. They have provided excellent services on our penetration testing and secure code reviews.
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Would highly recommend them and their services. Would also like to give a shout out to Jacob, I appreciate the opportunity to work with him. Thanks for all the advice and help. Working with you has been a great experience and the team love having you around.
Phil Barron
Phil Barron
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It was a pleasure working with the Equilibrium team - they were very understanding of our needs, worked very well with my team, and most importantly were very patient and understanding of the limitations of my team to provide the information required when needed due to other priorities.

Looking for top Penetration Testing services providers?

Why settle for basic checkbox-style CREST penetration tests? We’re committed to assisting you in focussing on your critical risks. Our approach goes deep into your digital landscape, revealing hidden vulnerabilities that commonly go undetected.

This insight allows you to smartly allocate your security investments where they matter the most, ensuring your brand’s safety.

Discover why Equilibrium is considered among the best Penetration Testing service providers. To learn more about the types of penetration testing we offer, obtain penetration testing services costs details, or request a quote email, call us at 0121 663 0055, or book an expert call.

Pen Testing Services Resources

Master Your Penetration Test Report
Have you thought about the human risks?
maximise your penetration testing ROI
Embark on Your ISO 27001 Compliance Journey

Frequently Asked Questions

A penetration test, or pen test, is a simulated cyberattack on a computer system or network designed to evaluate its security. Authorised attempts are made to exploit potential vulnerabilities to determine whether unauthorised access or other malicious activities are possible.

If they are found it can lead to compromised data, system breaches, and sometimes serious disruption of operations. The goal of the process is to identify any potential weaknesses and to provide recommendations for strengthening security measures.

Whether you are a large enterprise or an SME, security weaknesses can develop for any number of reasons across your IT ecosystem.

This could be down to out-of-date-software, security misconfigurations, new applications, or an unprotected BYOD. But if you can discover and remediate these issues before the bad guys do, you will be in a much stronger position to safeguard your brand.

Though some companies conduct pen tests on an ad-hoc basis, we don’t recommend undertaking CREST penetration testing as a one-off activity. To remain cyber-resilient, it’s important to have a proactive approach to tackling emerging threats.

Every day businesses face internal changes to their systems and network. Whether this is opening a new office, deploying a new security solution, installing new hardware or moving to the cloud. Each of these changes has the potential to introduce a security risk which could be exploited by cyber-criminals.

So how can you mitigate this? This is where penetration testing steps in!

Find out more about how often you should carry out penetration testing and the ideal pen test frequency based on your needs.

The difference between penetration testing and vulnerability scans?

There is a difference in the extent and scope of the two testing methods. Penetration testing involves simulating real-world cyber-attacks to actively identify and exploit vulnerabilities. It is more extensive than vulnerability scanning, which primarily involves automated tools scanning systems for known vulnerabilities.

Pen testing provides greater insight into potential attack routes and the effectiveness of existing security controls. This provides a more comprehensive evaluation of an organisation’s security posture. This uncovers hidden weaknesses that can evade automated scans, providing added insights into the depth and complexity of potential threats. 

Pen testing is a proactive approach to Cyber Security that can empower your organisation to better safeguard your assets and data against increasingly sophisticated security threats.

Are you considering investing in a penetration testing service? Do you have any doubts about the process, or are you concerned about finding penetration testing vulnerabilities and their consequences?

Find out more about:

  • The order of events if you find vulnerabilities during a test.
  • Whether exploitation could cause disruption.
  • What guidance you receive during and after vulnerability identification.

Find out more about what happens when vulnerabilities are discovered.

When security leaders receive a penetration testing report, the real challenge begins. These reports can be daunting, filled with pages of vulnerabilities. But how do you start?

Find out how to not only resolve issues but also maximise the value of every report from your penetration testing company, right from the outset.

Discover how to simplify these extensive lists and transform them into actionable plans.

Our team of penetration testers are with you every step of the way of your testing journey.

We don’t disappear for days and suddenly emerge with a report, leaving you to pick up the pieces. You can rely on us to be there before, during and after testing. Communication is key to building our strong customer partnerships.

Which is why we never leave you in the dark, provide timely updates on vulnerabilities and actionable guidance to help you remediate against tight timeframes.

Your choice of penetration test will depend on your specific requirements. Factors to consider include the complexity of your IT infrastructure, the sensitivity of your data, and your regulatory compliance needs. There are a range of options available, including CREST Penetration Testing, Web Application Penetration Testing, External and Internal Network Penetration Testing and Mobile App Penetration Testing. The experienced Cyber Security team at Equilibrium Security can help you determine the most suitable test for your organisational needs.

Aspects of penetration testing, such as vulnerability scanning, can be automated. This can provide a baseline test of known security weaknesses and provide insights into how they are performing. 

However, the core of penetration testing will typically require human expertise to accurately assess complex security scenarios, identify any vulnerabilities, and then attempt to exploit them in a controlled manner.

Automated tools may assist during certain phases of the process, but manual testing by skilled Cyber Security specialists is essential for comprehensive assessment. Human testers can bring critical thinking, adaptability, and creativity to the process, enabling them to uncover vulnerabilities that automated tools can overlook. 

This expertise ensures that assessments are thorough, providing organisations with actionable recommendations to effectively enhance their overall security posture.

The penetration testing cost will vary depending on a range of factors such as the scope of the testing, the complexity of your IT infrastructure, and the depth of analysis that is required. The prices for a pen test can range from hundreds to thousands of pounds. Working with an experienced and trusted Cyber Security firm such as Equilibrium Security can ensure that you receive a competitive quote for the comprehensive pen testing services that you require.

Contact us today for more information and for a free quote.

The duration of a penetration test will depend on a variety of factors. The key factors in the length of time the process takes include the scope and the complexity of the assessment. Small-scale tests may be completed within a few days, whereas more comprehensive evaluations that span several weeks may be necessary for larger, more complex systems. 

The testing provider should establish clear communication with the client regarding timelines, expectations, and any constraints that may be crucial for effective planning. At Equilibrium, we establish transparent timeline expectations upfront, ensuring that the testing process can be conducted thoroughly and efficiently to lead to more actionable results.

Penetration testing should be conducted regularly to proactively identify and address security weaknesses. Cyber Security threats are constantly evolving, so it’s important to ensure that your infrastructure is secure enough to cope with them. The frequency of testing will depend on a variety of factors such as changes to your IT infrastructure, introduction of new software or applications, alongside regulatory requirements, and your industry best practices.

As a general rule, organisations should perform annual penetration tests as a baseline. More frequent testing may be necessary if significant changes have occurred in systems or environments. A regular testing schedule can help ensure that any evolving threats are promptly addressed. This ensures that an organisation’s security posture is maintained in the face of complex emerging threats.

Learn more about how often to conduct a penetration test.

Experienced penetration testing providers will work to minimise the impact of the testing process. This sometimes includes tests being scheduled during off-peak hours, and coordinating with the client’s team to ensure that there is minimal disruption to business operations.

Additionally, testing methodologies will prioritise controlled exploitation to avoid causing any damage or downtime to an organisation’s critical systems.

Proper planning will mitigate any potential disruptions, allowing organisations to maintain operational continuity while essential security tests are carried out. By collaborating closely with the testing provider, organisations can effectively manage any temporary inconveniences, while prioritising the security of their infrastructure.

If you’re looking for an experienced penetration testing company, or a CREST certified penetration tester, then it’s essential to look for a company with CREST certification. This ensures that penetration testing providers can meet rigorous standards of professionalism, technical competence, and ethical conduct.

A CREST-certified provider offers assurance that the testing is conducted by experts who adhere to the highest professional standards. CREST pen testing providers can play a key role in ensuring the effectiveness of Cyber Security measures and overall risk management strategies.

It’s possible for penetration testing to be conducted remotely. Remote testing methods provide flexibility, enabling testers to assess systems from different locations without requiring physical access. Remote testing requires robust security measures to be in place to safeguard sensitive data and to maintain confidentiality throughout.

Encryption protocols, access controls, and secure communication channels are essential to mitigate the risks associated with remote assessments. This ensures that the testing process is effective while ensuring that the integrity and confidentiality of the organisation’s information assets are effectively protected.

After completing the penetration test, the testing provider will deliver a detailed report outlining any vulnerabilities that have been identified, along with recommendations for remediation. Remediation efforts can then be implemented, with priority placed on the areas of greatest identified risk. 

Continuous monitoring and periodic retesting will also help to ensure that any vulnerabilities are effectively addressed. Regular testing is critical to maintain the security posture of the organisation.