How often should we conduct penetration testing?

How often should we conduct penetration testing?

Penetration testing is one of the most valuable tools for combatting cyber crime. By simulating cyber-attacks, it provides a robust way to uncover potential weaknesses and evaluate the security posture of your organisation’s overall IT infrastructure.

Penetration Testing Frequency

As well as the type of penetration testing you should conduct, the frequency of penetration testing is also crucial to maintaining effective Cyber Security. The required ISO 27001 penetration testing frequency is annually, but this is a recommended baseline. Many organisations and sectors opt for a twice-yearly testing framework, with businesses in some industries conducting quarterly tests.

Read on to find out:

Certified by CREST and Offensive Security, our qualified testers employ real-world hacking techniques to uncover profound insights.

Adopting a risk-based approach: How does this affect frequency?

A risk-based approach takes account of a range of factors to assess the threats that an organisation may be facing. Organisations working in particularly vulnerable environments or who handle large amounts of sensitive data may opt for more frequent penetration testing.

What factors determine the frequency of penetration testing?

1. Industry Regulations

2. Size of IT Infrastructure

3. Previous Security Incidents

4. Technology Changes

5. Emerging Threats

What are penetration testing best practices?

Every organisation will have its own risk profile and potential vulnerabilities that will determine the frequency of pen testing it conducts. Some best practices include:

The advantages of a regular penetration testing schedule

Setting up a regular penetration testing schedule is the best way to ensure that penetration testing isn’t overlooked. A regular schedule can also help with budgetary considerations, making it easier to budget for regular testing throughout the year. 

The costs of dealing with a cybersecurity breach far outweigh the cost of regular penetration testing so it’s important that it isn’t overlooked in an attempt to cut costs.

Regular penetration testing with Equilibrium Security

Regular penetration testing ensures that your Cyber Security is as robust as possible. At Equilibrium Security, we use our expertise and the latest testing methodologies to help prevent the likelihood of suffering an avoidable security breach.  

To find out more about regular penetration testing and our comprehensive range of services contact your local UK Cyber Security Specialists today.


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